#Debunking #DropKiwiFarms

The People's History of a Fraudulent Campaign against a Free and Open Internet

Responding to the Censors

*This page will be an ongoing effort, whilst most of the narratives used against their censorship targets are generally repeated, there may occasionally be some new ones introduced and others to add which may have passed me by.

The Kiwi Farms is not a dox site.

Dox sites do exist. One of the most prominent sites of this nature was strictly off-limits and has continued to be so throughout the entire DKF campaign. When a relatively unknown Twitch Streamer embarked on the DKF campaign, it was made clear from the get go that this dox site was not to be discussed. This was either to create the impression that The Kiwi Farms was unique in gathering information or was responsible for sourcing this information. It may also be that they understood this unnamed Dox site may have no limits on how they respond to being shut down, whereas The Kiwi Farms has policies against interacting negatively with indivduals discussed on the site. There are fewer consequences to targeting The Kiwi Farms as opposed to a site which actually does break the law.

It is worth asking anybody who makes this claim to define doxing. Doxing implies 'revealing' information by breaking into accounts, stealing from dumpsters or engaging in social engineering. None of this describes sharing information that was made publically available elsewhere and discussing it on a private members forum. It should be stressed that the individuals who wish to censor The Kiwi Farms are not opposed to 'doxing'. They have celebrated blatantly criminal behaviour in the past such as engaging in data breaches, and strove towards leaking personal information such as passwords and IP addresses. The Kiwi Farms has never advocated or encouraged data theft, or 'doxing' in the criminal sense. Often, when they accuse KF of something, it's so they are justfied in doing that same thing later, a kind of 'they started it' mentality.

It should also be noted that one particular DKF account frequently screenshots and gossips about posts found on The Kiwi Farms, which is fine. However, were these people held to their own standards this would be considered doxing and perhaps even stalking and harrasment.

The Kiwi Farms does not break Terms of Service

The narrative that The Kiwi Farms violates Terms of Service is often used in tandem with accusations of piracy or vague abstractions like 'hate speech'. It goes without saying that these people will never target 'Pirate Bay' or any pornographic sites which routinely and obviously break the terms laid down by their hosts. Neither do DKF campaigners concern themselves with adhering to the terms of service on their own platforms. Whether this is by providing support to those engaging in DDoS attacks or celebrating attempts at data breaches. DKF are entirely ideologically driven, and much like the Dox narrative, the TOS narrative is a stick to beat their target with and nothing more.

They are not opposed to breaking terms of service, hacking, showing up to peoples houses to intimidate a target, DDoS attacks or other such activity providing their ends are being met. The accusation that The Kiwi Farms breaks TOS has nothing to do with respect for corporate rules and everything to do with silencing any perceived criticism and dissent. The Terms of Service narrative is used by Liz Fong Jones in conjunction with nepotism and having friends in high places. For the most part, a simple request is enough to get a website taken down, if you know the right people. They receive the demand, comply and refuse to make any kind of statement. Meanwhile, DKF presents this as the natural consequence of 'rules being broken', rather than nepotism.

This began with Cloudflare, who protect websites which share and produce violent, pornographic content which involves the torture of animals. If you want to see a live monkey being dismembered, Cloudflare have no issue with this. They provide hosting and protection to podcasts that provide community and support to bestiality advocates. If this had anything to do with 'terms of service', we should be low on the list of websites to shut down. This is all a testament to the institutional power enjoyed by the people who lead this censorship campaign and their indifference to actual examples of TOS being violated.

On a side note, The Kiwi Farms has contributed to the arrest of one notorious zoosadist (somebody who tortures animals for sexual pleasure). Had DKF began prior to the investiagtion into this indvidual, he may still be walking free and sharing his content with protection from Cloudflare.

Ordinary tech staff are bombarded with e-mails from ideologically driven censorship campaigners, these will often include obscure legal citations, thinly veiled threats, references to news articles produced by ideological sympathisers in the press and accusations of the site engaging in 'swatting'. It is easy for us to say that we can just ignore these people, because they are not special or poweful. The tech staff however, are likely intimidated by the fake google account used by Liz Fong Jones and buy into the illusion of a grassroots campaign to shut The Kiwi Farms down. Either that, or they genuinely sympathise with this persons desire to control narratives and censor the exchange of information online.

Either way, websites don't drop The Kiwi Farms due to Terms of Service being broken. This is further demonstrated by companies refusing to provide statements on their decision to shut down The Kiwi Farms and providing any tangible instances of terms of service being violated. This website will strive to rectify that and seek corporate accountability.

The Kiwi Farms is not a swatting site

Whoever makes the claim that The Kiwi Farms is a swatting site will not be able to provide any evidence to substantiate it, as none exists. When a small scale Twitch Streamer understood they'd have sympathisers in the press, the media began repeating the 'swatting site' lie, often calling the site 'synonymous with swatting'. This a classic example of a lie being repeated enough eventually being accepted as truth.

The Kiwi Farms has never condoned, advocated or encouraged swatting. There is nothing more to be said about this lie. Wikipedia, journalists and politicians lie. This not breaking news and does not deserve any further attention.

The Kiwi Farms is not an imminent threat to human life

The lie that The Kiwi Farms is an imminent threat to human life was first perpetuated by Cloudflare, in response to a poster on 4chan sharing a threatening image in the vicinity of a Twitch streamer, holding a piece of paper with a Simpsons meme, claming 'loyalists' in Ireland were going to come for the streamer in question. Despite the image being stupid and likely resulting in a ban from 4chan, the threat was not made on The Kiwi Farms. To blame the administator of The Kiwi Farms for this sets a standard in which any website can be taken down if a bad actor makes a threat, claims to support the site they're targeting for censorship and posts this threat anywhere else on the Internet.

Registrations are closed on The Kiwi Farms as it is almost accepted as an inevitability that DKF campaigners will post violent, illegal, inflammatory statements on the forum in an effort to draw legal attention to the site. As it is, the site exercises quality control and anybody seen to be threatening people by making illegal statements or calling for violence will be immediately banned. Despite this Cloudflare has never, and likely will never retract their lie that The Kiwi Farms was suspended due to human life being endangered.

Additionaly, despite the severity of this accusation, there has never been any basis for the law to intervene or pursue this apparent threat to human life. DKF campaigners have never even entertained taking legal routes to see their demands are met. They understand they'd accomplish nothing should their claims be placed under any kind of legal scrutiny. An imminent threat to life, that was never reported to the authorities and never merited any kind of legal investigation seems extremely peculiar.

Furthermore, the individual whose life was in alleged immediate danger maintained a public presence in the months following Cloudflares decision to police the Internet. They went on to attend conventions, appear on podcasts and made little secret of their whereabouts. As of today, they are still alive and no comment has been made on if this immediate threat has subsided, or when it subsided. Perhaps it would be worth reaching out to Cloudflare for some elaboration

The Kiwi Farms members are not Russian domestic terrorists

The domestic terror lie originated with Frank Figliuzzi, a former FBI senior, who determined (perhaps based on the previous lie told by Cloudflare and The Kiwi Farms briefly being hosted by Russia) that The Kiwi Farms was somehow being used by Russia to faciliate terrorism in America. Figliuzzi may have forgotten about The Kiwi Farms by now, and to date no acts of terrorism have been carried out by Russian agents on behalf of The Kiwi Farms, and despite Figliuzzi's assertion it seems highy unlikely this will ever happen. The DKF camp was delighted to have somebody connecte to the FBI onside, and didn't concern themselves to much with whether or not this statement was true.

The Kiwi Farms does not stalk people

No more than every single tabloid newspaper, celebrity website and organisation that monitors perceived dissidents. If talking about information shared publicly is stalking this is behaviour also engaged in by most DKF campaigners who spend a great deal of their waking life monitoring The Kiwi Farms and seeking opportunities to acquire information about its userbase.

The Kiwi Farms userbase has never attempted to prevent people from talking about them, screenshotting their posts and sharing them elsewhere. We understand that what we share online is public. These behaviours, when carried out by members of the Kiwi Farms are represented as 'Stalking' by the censors, but not when these individuals engage in this same behaviour.

The Kiwi Farms is not responsible for suicides

The suicide lie was originally levelled against the site by the Twitch streamer who pioneered the DKF censorship campaign. The claim that five individuals took their life owing to The Kiwi Farms, despite no evidence for this existing, was further amplified by ideological sympathisers at wikipedia and in the press. As a rule, a DKF campaigner can tell a lie, a journalist can publish that lie and wikipedia can use that journalist as a source to cement that lie at the top of search engines. This collaborative effort has ensured a great deal of success for those who aspire to control what people can see on the Internet.

The Kiwi Farms is not a neo-Nazi site

The Kiwi Farms has members from across the political spectrum and is not acting to advance National Socialism and never has been. This bizarre claim is ingrained into the psyche of DKF campaigners and serves as a kind of moralistic justification for embarking on unprecedented levels of censorship. We are not the first targets of leftist ire to be accused of being Nazi's and certainly won't be the last. As it is, were this statement true, liking Adolf Hitler would still not be illegal under US law and this should have no bearing on whether or not The Kiwi Farms is allowed to be viewed in America. To date, there is no National Socialist uprising in America, and The Kiwi Farms continues to play no part in either condemning or representing this ideology. Whilst you won't be banned from The Kiwi Farms for saying you love Nazism, you won't be banned from The Kiwi Farms for saying you love Joseph Stalin or Nelson Mandela either. There is also a sizeable number of The Kiwi Farms users who will urge others to not use the forum as a soapbox for their political beliefs whatever they are.

Simply put, The Kiwi Farms isn't going to waste energy condemning National Socalism as, 1; it won't do anything to stop this censorship campaign, 2; they'll still say The Kiwi Farms is populated by neo nazis, because its a useful narrative.

Hosting The Kiwi Farms is not an act of terrorism

At the height of its success, the DKF campaign took an approach that was not unlike compelling phone companies to block an individuals ability to make phonecalls based on something they said. That a few individuals deemed the content on The Kiwi Farms disagreable was enough to see major ISP's drop the website has given us some insight into the direction the Internet is headed. It has also given us an opportunity to prepare for survival on this new Internet. Simply put, if you are not engaged in illegal or criminal activity, you are justified in resisting corporate intimidation and censorship. The Kiwi Farms has survided owing entirely to this will to resist alone.

There was, however, more to this situation than just demands being made and nepotism.

ISP's and service providers were approached with threats and e-mails implying that providing a service to The Kiwi Farms may lead to accusations of terrorism further down the line. To date, no acts of terrorism have been carried out under the instruction of The Kiwi Farms and encouraging acts of violence or other types of criminality remains a bannable offence on The Kiwi Farms.

The argument that The Kiwi Farms is a terrorist site could be levelled against any major social network that has given, at least for a period of time, a platform to actual terrorist groups. We have noted before that Facebook hosted the Christchurch massacre footage. The Kiwi Farms was collectively blamed for one bad actor making a threat on the forum which was promptly deleted in line with the sites rules. The offending post was removed faster than Facebook removed the Christchurch massacre footage.

The Kiwi Farms is not run by FBI Agents

The narrative that The Kiwi Farms has been secretly taken over by the FBI serves to put minds at ease that the censorship campaign levelled against The Kiwi Farms wasn't entirely for nothing. It is important to point out, despite this apparent belief that DDoS attacks continue against the site all the same. This suggests DKF campaigners simultaneously believe that The Kiwi Farms is owned by the authorities and it should also be targeted with illegal DDoS attacks.

The Kiwi Farms is a collaborator in a wider 'trans genocide'

The Kiwi Farms is far from the sole target for censorship by the DKF campaigners. The belief that speech amounts to genocide, as it inspires criminal violence, is beloved by not just individual censorship campaigners but institutions throughout the West. Libs of Tik Tok and Matt Walsh have both recently been targeted for censorship by the same people behind DKF with the idea that their speech amounts to genocide. The concept of 'hate speech' is relatively novel, and interestingly enough, isn't frequently a charge made against The Kiwi Farms. Hate speech is, in theory, permissable under American law and not enough to justify a website being blackholed and dropped. Censorship campaigners have instead opted to accuse The Kiwi Farms as being a player in the targeted, deliberate eradication of transgender people.

To date, being transgender appears to remain legal in America and the state has not sanctioned violence against people for being transgender. The term 'trans genocide' appears to refer to ideas that call into question the validity of the idea a man can become a woman, or that men should be granted access to womens spaces if they determine they are in fact women. The end game of the censorship campaigners appears to be the ability to create and sustain a world in which our understanding of human biology is completely rewritten in line with relatively novel ideas. In the pursuit of this ideal, any perceived obstacle is fair game to be 'dropped' and accused of 'genocide'.

Every individual user of The Kiwi Farms forum will have their own ideas on the question of transgenderism. Some will argue that individuals who are happier presenting as members of the opposite sex should be left alone to do this. Others will argue that whilst this behaviour is not ideal, these individuals should not be interfered with all the same. Some will argue 'trans rights' are ultimately mens rights and exist to the detriment of women, others will argue against feminism and will be indifferent to those who identify as trans. The idea most consistently shared and agreed upon by The Kiwi Farms userbase is that children should remain off limits with regards to hormone replacement therapy and exposure to critical gender theory. The belief that doctors should not give a teenage girl a double mastectomy, and idea those who encourage a girl to do something like this in the pursuit of 'affirmation' are predatory and untrustworthy would also be considered an act of 'trans genocide'.

In short, the term 'trans genocide' is a renewal of the term 'transphobic' which perhaps doesn't hit as hard as it used to. The two terms can be used interchangeably and function in a similiar manner. It is important to note that whilst The Kiwi Farms is accused of engaging in defamation, it appears that claiming that conservative political commentators are complicit in genocide is not considered defamation.
