Debunking #DropKiwiFarms

The People's History of a Fraudulent Campaign against a Free and Open Internet

We are concerned with the future of the Internet as a whole, not just Over the past eight weeks the backbone of the Internet has been broken by means of corporate nepotism, the exploitation of 'protected person' status (in this case, transgenderism) and flat out lies. Whilst this particular censorship movement was pioneered by a relatively obscure Twitch streamer, it has since been adopted by a former Google employee who has made it their singular purpose to control dialogue over the Internet, pressure tech companies into serving their interests and controlling what people can see. At this point, Internet users in first world countries are required to use VPN to access an entirely legal website. This is only possible owing to a lack of corporate accountability, which this website intends to address.

We do not want the corporate adherants of DropKiwiFarms, and their coattail riders to be 'deplatformed', 'marginalised' or 'silenced'. They have every right to hate us and to express this hatred of us. They enjoy the luxury of mainstream social media platforms and free reign to engage in and encourage illegal activity via these platforms. Their right to hate us and talk about us has never been called into question. This started when one individual told certain lies, and these lies were later weaponised by somebody with enough inside tech connections to compromise the free exchange of information online. KiwiFarms might be the first, but it won't be their last target. Their demand that we cease to exist will eventually be levelled against others.

A Response to the Censors